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News: Updated: 1/16/25 NEW: To Be Determined Protectors of Duopoly (10/28/24) Housing (7/9/24) The Californias (7/3/24) Supreme Court Reform (3/22/24) Affinity Voting (1/12/24) A Just Victor (11/28/23) Absentia Protocol (9/28/23) EOBG (7/7/23) U.K. Senate Proposal (5/19/23) Call Up The Militia (4/13/23) Midterm Reaction (1/6/23) Division of Super States (10/4/22) Beware of RINO Rip Current (8/6/22) Line of Fortitude (6/28/22) De-Putinization of Russia (5/9/22) Bicameral Electoral College III 2020: Analysis And Results (3/15/22) Acting Vice President protocol (2/17/22) 'ATTENTION' installment (11/24/21) The No Confidence Vote (9/22/21) To Vax Or Not To Vax? (7/29/21) The Cancel Withholding Stimulus (1/4/21) COVID-19 Response (4/14/20) 'Dynastic Limits' proposal (3/9/19) 'New Nations of China' proposal (4/24/18) |
![]() Boise, ID Capitol |
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Then the Commonwealth Party is the party for you! Our Flags
If you believe in the originally intended principles and country that the first flag has stood for, then now is the time to begin rallying around the second flag in order to restore those virtues. We have reached the point where the powers that be and the two-party stranglehold have eradicated true constitutional government. We are under this coup d'etat which has also made the ballot box ineffective -- instead it functions merely as a virtual rubberstamp of their stay in power. You must embrace a new symbol and name for the national identity in order to separate from and confront the occupying force which has commandeered your original country and flag. NO UNITY WITHOUT CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNANCE! Our CampaignsWhen we run for office in the Commonwealth Party, we won't waste time and money trying to get on the rigged ballot as an official party -- usually the system is against that. What we will do is get independents to run who will identify themselves as Commonwealth candidates and reference this site in their campaigns. Thus our resources will be more channeled towards the victory of independent, grassroots or write-in Commonwealth candidates. Even if the ballot is closed to your run, do a campaign anyway to bring to light the issue of the rigged election system in your community and inspire the voters to consider other choices besides the Democrat-Republican party. Voters: Quit defaulting to the lesser of two evils! Start advancing constitutional, outsider candidates in the primaries! Waiting just before the general election is too late and that is why we end up with career establishmentarians in office who provide little change. SO WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO RUN AS A COMMONWEALTH CANDIDATE?
Commonwealth Party OverviewThe Commonwealth Party is a party that favors limited government, regional/local autonomy and opposes government oppressions such as: over taxation, prohibition drug policy, overregulation in business, government waste and mismanagement, the policies of the welfare state and the over use of government. We believe in protecting individual rights through legislation and policies that balance the rights of the individual and the individual rights of all citizens en masse. We favor addressing societal issues utilizing new and innovative ways such as consumer action, market demand and charitable trusts instead of always resorting solely to government action and legislation. We are a party that supports representative constitutional republics, free markets and we consider the power and vulnerabilities of both to address the issues in a balanced fashion. We will govern under and in accordance with the principles contained in the Constitution of the United States. Our style of governing is geared by looking at all the aforementioned principles and applying them in a way that best serves and preserves the interests of a free and self-determining people.
How We Differ
REPUBLICANS: The Republican Party claims to be a party of smaller government and low taxes and fiscal responsibility but this is definitely not the case. To be competitive within the two-party stranglehold, Republicans embrace big government and pork to please various factions in order to stay in power. They offer the voter similar social programs that Democrats bribe their constituents with. The Republicans are the more mercantilist of the two parties and get support from the moralist and religious strains of society. Some Republicans want to use the government to enforce their moral, religious and patriotic authoritarian views on the personal habits and lifestyles of citizens. Republicans have no true intention of instituting a truly free market place, of preserving personal freedoms nor practicing constitutional rule. They abandon our border security and certain of our citizen rights while saying that's what our troops are fighting for overseas. The GOP is rightly or wrongly perceived as plutocrats & country clubbers. They constantly fail to fight for reform despite having had a majority. Brittle weak Republicans fear substantial change to the status quo. They are the draconians who gleefully support the war on drugs which exacerbates the problem and the unintended consequences like higher black market profits for narco and Islamofascist terrorists. The destruction of the opium and coca cash crops in Afghanistan and Latin/South America causes resentment from the simple war-torn peasants trying to make a livelihood who will consequently give cooperation to the enemy. This type of meddling undermines any just causes we have for being there. At home, we suffer the Republican malignancy of our trampled rights by their abusive, police-state tactics in the name of ending all drug use which is tactically impossible and unnecessary in a free, tolerant country of personal liberation. Note especially the former Nixon, Reagan and Bush administrations' crackdowns which in effect disproportionately impacted minorities and blindly persecuted medically valid medical marijuanna users caught in the dragnet who simply wanted to medicate themselves from the ravages of chemotherapy and other ailments. Why would tolerant people in this regard bother to vote Republican? Probably because in the two-party entrapment it is easier to hide drugs from the intrusive Republicans than one's paycheck from the Democrats. DEMOCRATS: Democrats are the Marxist wing of the two-party system and masquerade as restorative challengers to restrictive social impositions of government and society. They also embellish themselves as the sole defenders of civil rights and the harbingers of social justice. In fact, what they mainly do is institute theft by confiscating earned income and redistributing it inefficiently or ineffectively to those who are unwilling to be self-sufficient or to those who have been indoctrinated into submission and dependency on government social programs -- thus ensuring a considerable mass of bribed or intimidated voters for Democrats. These methods are further used in the arenas of racial scapegoating, anti-corporate theatrics and parasitic business overregulation. Though they act as the defender of the common citizen, they themselves* are more involved in questionable business deals, corruption, fraud, trickery, racial bias, impoverishing the masses and tyranny over the individual all through government immunity. Democrats are sympathetic to the questionable antics of trial lawyers and union thugs. Despite supporting or initiating brazen military campaigns, they ultimately pursue a paper-tiger foreign policy which encourages the enemy to hold out and continue to fight us. In a war notable Democrats approved, the Democrats are abandoning victory and creating a quagmire via appeasement talks, military cuts, softened interrogation, attempted transition of military tribunals to civil courts and just plain lack of focus or inconsistencies. Their governing policies are blatantly anti-constitutional while using sublime rhetoric or loud demagoguery to dupe unknowing citizens to the contrary. They pride their cleverness in constantly twisting lies to resemble the truth. * {i.e. cash-in-freezer William Jefferson, Valerie Plame's Joe Wilson, cop-slapping Cynthia McKinney, secret-documents-in-pants Sandy Berger, former New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin, Duke lacrosse prosecutor Mike Nifong, former New York governor/prosecutor/john Elliot Spitzer, former Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, riot and Tawana Brawley promoter Al Sharpton, former Senator Al Franken, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the late KKK alum Sen. Robert Byrd WV, scholarship scandal representative Eddie Bernice Johnson TX, impeached Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, race card loons Sheila Jackson Lee TX & Maxine Waters CA, luxurious green-schemer Al Gore, hacker-backer & primary-rigger former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, smashed hard drives Hillary Clinton, recall governor Gavin Newsom CA, COVID-Cuomo NY governor, rotting Big Apple's mayor Bill de Blasio, Urban Quagmire mayors: Jenny Durkan, Seattle - Ted Wheeler, Portland - Lori Lightfoot, Chicago - Brandon M. Scott, Baltimore..........} GREENS: The Green's main focus appears to be saving the environment and protecting the masses against the ravages of big business. Yet in actuality, the Green's radical environmental plans are built on shaky evidence and their designs for the economy would bring a communist-inspired economic implosion. Their imperative is to progressively barrage business capital for the cause of living wages, 'corporate responsibility', secure living standards and negative income tax for society's co-dependents. This would be done to distribute resources for the 'right' to food, housing, medical care and education. They call for a RADICAL PARADIGM SHIFT in order to "restrict the accumulation of excessive individual wealth". This is something Marx and Lenin would envision and would bring us to the state of economic collapse that the former Soviet Union experienced and which Cuba and various socialist African nations enjoy today. Harsh restrictions on industry would be justified of course by the impending environmental disasters that the Green movement warns about, but little true scientific justification exists for such radical change -- especially when it is utilized by the ecoMarxists. While they may address some true environmental concerns and social freedoms and civil justice, their system as a whole would result in tyranny and economic disaster despite their well-intentioned altruisms. Note too, that socialist/communist countries throughout the world have some of the worst environmental records and human squalor. To be fair, there are actually two Green parties -- one more extreme than the other. If a candidate or faction arises that is more free-market friendly and pursues only applicable environmental concerns more so at the local and regional levels, then there is a more desirable third-party Green movement. Desirability increases if they pursue a centrist to reasonably strong defensive foreign policy, personable social policy based on individual responsibility and originalist constitutional intents mixed with their current human rights concerns and opposition to the drug war. Invoking such a movement that realizes that only adequate government - not social programs government - will allow for a cleaner environment and enable the masses to bring about the commerce that will sustain their needs. Such a pro-business, pro personal property rights Green faction would be more attractive as an alternative. REFORM: In its first incarnation, the Reform Party did capture the imagination of the American electorate desperate for something else than the usual two-party fare. While substantial reforms were touted, the Reform movement had no solid constitutional approach to governing. It still accepts unconstitutional programs like Medicare and Social Security (in reformation) and seeks to abolish the electoral college. After power struggles and implosion, the party was captured by more right and theocratic forces that too could be susceptible to using overbearing government on some issues. The various reforms and shifts of the party are more populist in nature and can not adequately guarantee a real adherence to a constitutionally limited government. Still, they do have good ideas and with their penchant for proper change certain forces within the party could be considered assets in heading towards a generally reservist government. CONSTITUTION PARTY: While this party has had a past suspect to instilling theocracy, some of their later planks more emphasize fulfilling the constraints of constitutional governance. There is nothing wrong with a party or its candidates giving credit to God or to the Judeo-Chrisitian ethic but by past incarnation of the party and processing some of their stances today, one cannot be blamed for taking into consideration that this party may still have a theocratic bent on some issues. Their plank at last check advocated for drug prohibition but they do advocate removal of federal involvement in domestic drug enforcement and want to protect against unreasonable searches, seizures and asset forfeiture plus investigating unconstitutional practices of the DEA. Their 2016 presidential candidate Darrell Castle who was edorsed by the Commonwealth said he personally favored decriminalization of drugs. The party does however wish to enforce laws against obscenity and the 'proliferation of the pornography and sexually oriented business industries'. While the party's stances are generally for increasing freedom of the citizen, in some areas a religious authoritarianism may still be suspect under the Constitution Party. Laid-back members who adhere more towards personal religious freedom in the political arena are more preferable to those advocating for policing against vice. They can still be 'fishers of men' sharing their faith while letting God sort everyone else out. Then there would be less resentment towards their message. This is how they should share in a coalition government. It's the best approach since only the individual can truly repent on their own accord and only God can run a Theocracy! INDEPENDENCE PARTY: The Independence Party was notably membered by Jesse Ventura who used to associate with the Reform Party. The Independence Party too dabbled with some populist proposals that would not bring true constitutionally limited government nor eliminate government involvement in the economy ( i.e. ensuring high-speed internet access across Minnesota and public support of certain agricultural products ). The party platform though innovative, is a platform determined of populist degrees more so than principles. After Ventura won office, he reneged on cutting taxes. Still, they call for important improvements and seem genuinely interested in preserving America and solving problems. Today it is a loose collection of a few state parties. WHIG: Today's Modern Whig Party applies itself generally as a pragmatic, centrist party emphasizing methodology over ideology and focuses on administrative ethics instead of issues concerning personal morality. Their declared virtues are independent thought, merit and integrity. Federalism and state sovereignty are advocated. There are good parts to their platform like non-partisan redistricting, term limits, electoral reform and they have their own in-house support organization -- Veteran Affairs Advocacy. However, not all planks are constitutionally relevant or sound. Cases in point: According to a previous visit to their site they did oppose racial affirmative action but talked of applying such by income level. They desired a campaign finance reform through public subsidization of political media time. The electoral college would be proportional to population only or abolished altogether. Hate crime classifications would apply to assaults on homosexuals. Illegal aliens would be conscripted as a condition towards citizenship, but while innovative that facilitates a conditional amnesty. More recently, their platform seeks to only simplify and reduce the income tax code burden while considering other sources of untapped revenue instead of explicitly calling for a flat or FairTax. They have fallen for the global warming agenda that blames man's fossil fuel activities and they advocate some form of government-centric health care. Hopefully when engaged with reason by the electorate they could function as an acceptable centrist party in the more purple constituencies. LIBERTARIAN: The Libertarian Party is perhaps the most sincere about adhering to constitutionally limited government and they deserve much credit for their advocacy of civic freedom and economic reason. However, some factions within constrain it as a more permanent Burning Man debate-society rather than a viable option to the two-party state. This leaves potential voters concerned that the party would not retain some of the systematic orders and safeguards in our governing infrastructures that keep the order of freedom intact. For example, the overemphasis of the 'right' to immigrate, the aversion to pre-emptive strikes and perhaps unchecked trade with adversarial nations makes the Libertarian system an easier target for insurgent invasion, enemy attack or subjection to hostile foreign forces that are strengthened by trade with the domestic economy. Note too, their plank has had some good proposals for border control yet it was quoted: 'Repeal all measures that punish employers for hiring undocumented workers.' All of this can come about even though the constitution has not been violated. What is needed is to keep check on these scenarios while still following the constitution. They would serve as an ideal part of a coalition government if properly mixed with other officeholders for oversight on some issues or through favoring the election of other Libertarian factions for office. OTHER PARTIES: To investigate and compare even more parties, visit Politics1 for party listings and descriptions. They also have election coverage for all states with candidate listings and a wealth of other election information.
.....Do you like the reasoning you have been exposed to so far? To greater your understanding of the Commonwealth Party, introduce yourself to the party's stance on the specific issues listed below. Hyperlinks following certain topics will bring up a web page that further describes the stance of the party on those issues. Commonwealth Party Planks:
![]() Capitol War Memorial - Raleigh, NC
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Commonwealth Party of America Main Page last revised: January 2025 Office of National Premiere Commonwealth Party of America |
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