Flag of the American Commonwealth Republics

To Be Determined

Now that the Republicans are in power nationally again, we ask how genuine they will be about smaller government. How much of the DOGE recommendations will they follow through on? How much resistance will they get from their own party especially with congress members trying to protect their own pet projects? The worthless debt ceiling has been demonstrated for the joke it is and proves the fiscal irresponsibility of Congress. They should take all federal employees off salary and have them clock in for an hourly wage to correct against paying those who were not showing up. On the tax front, getting cuts alone is not enough and cannot be explained if they are never in league with spending cuts and eliminating federal largesse. Let's actually put Republicans to task this time and demand a lengthy list of budget reductions before any new tax cuts while making exception for tax-cut renewals. DOGE found some very ridiculous programs to eliminate so let's put Democrats on the line to provide support for their elimination in order to ensure passage and compensate for the Republican sell-outs. That would be a chance for Democrats to look useful and acquire some redemption. Such a scenario lessens a balanced-budget argument from Democrats. After the 2022 primaries, a laundry list was compiled for Republicans to live up to. Now that they have the advantage for the most part, we'll see how transformative and beneficial they can be per their usual boasts.

With the outcome of the election in favor of president re-elect Trump, the typical progressive activists, politicians, news media and Hollywood types put forth their calls for resistance against the supposed misogynistic, racist, fascist outcome. Yet with all the previously pooh-poohed revelations like: the debunking of the Steele Dossier's "pee tape", existence of the Hunter Biden laptop, the acquittal of their greatly promised insurrection indictments against Trump which have now fallen wayside to a passe procedural case concerning some checks already known about since 2016 -- demonstrate to us their desperate use of lawfare. All the COVID mongering, Biden's actual infirmity, porous border, illegal migrant favoritism, misdiagnosing of inflation, Chinese balloons and now mystery drones have resulted in a reactionary trend to abandon the progressive intelligentsia who were proponents of DEI, gender-affirmation (sic), BLM, Antifa, 1619 Project and other woke indoctrinations.

Counter Repertoire

With the increasing audience for alternative media, the former stranglehold of legacy media cannot as effectively indoctrinate the masses. This is much to the chagrin of the likes of revenge racialist and nouveau-segregationist Joy Reid who interprets many events through the lens of victimhood to white oppression. With her ilk, any case of possible police brutality especially where the officers involved are white and the subject is some minority -- it must be racially motivated even before all the facts are known. Trial-by-media entails any gossip, rumor or speculation to that effect and presented as fact beforehand where the populace must be riled up in a racialist frenzy. As with the Duke Lacrosse case of twenty years ago, the Jussie Smollett case to the more recent Daniel Penny case and even back to the acquittal of O.J. Simpson -- the legacy media through the likes of Joy Reid has a history of considering the race of the players above all else.

Nonetheless, whites get tired of always being called the oppressor and are sick of untrustworthy, self-hating white progressives who market wokeism and the guilting of their own. Blacks get tired of being primed as pawns for civil unrest that harms their community and reputation while distancing their environs from proper policing which gives leeway to the likes of original gangsters. High rates of black-on-black crime in blue cities are dismissed. The actual share of black violence against Asians gets glossed over in some areas of legacy media coverage. Latino communities are at the forefront of an influx of invasive migrants while being pandered to as a sympathetic monolith to illegal immigration. As the socio-economic consequences from such causes take toll on everyone as in less safe neighborhoods, fewer jobs to migrant competition, academic achievers denied admission to colleges in order to satisfy racial quotas -- such complaints are then dismissed by Joy Reid and company with automated accusations of racism, inequity, injustice and then more broadly including other areas of complaint it's met with narratives of misogyny or toxic masculinity, homophobia, white supremacy, Christian nationalism or MAGA terror. Countering the legacy media's take can result in a journalist getting the Carl Kolchak treatment. Late night TV has become left night TV.

Examination of Events

Now as it has been observed, if the nation is so unfair against minorities and ethnicities prima facie then why do caravans of non-whites continue to pour in to a country where they would be so mistreated? Where there are sweatshops, should not the compassionate progressive leaders do something to regulate entry? Why haven't the citizen minorities left if America is so perpetually racist, unfair and oppressive? Citizens tire of being castigated as villains for wanting orderly and legal immigration instead of open borders plus for want of an accessible police presence and merit-based opportunities. The legacy media and Hollywood lecture counter to this and thus the tide has turned against them. More and more the calls over discrimination or for reparations are becoming known as really a call for favorable treatments in order to empower a new special class of victim-cult minorities or to make excuse for minority underachievement. It's a leftist version of McCarthyism or in current terms: Markle-ism. Yet, their addictive drama has hopefully peaked. Wokeism has been exposed and the lies of legacy media and the progressive intelligentsia have been made apparent.

The election results -- a shock to the delusional, woke progressives -- are understandable to those of a more reasoned disposition. The democracy-in-peril crowd should come to terms with what their rash democracy is. As Davros said about the eventual vulnerability of democracy, that of which he was willing to take advantage: "The ones who will listen to a thousand viewpoints and try to satisfy them all." Despite its ideals, without proper limitation of constitution or republic, democracy degrades in its contradictions, instabilities and transgressions which all must be glossed over to preserve its powers that be. Deception and indoctrination leading to intolerance and authoritarianism is the result. Current affairs exhibit this in the wokery and polarization of society. Holiday meals are to be battlegrounds or boycotted; 4B women are to shave their heads and resist patriarchy. A purity spiral develops which alienates even those long in the party. Blacks are told they are not black if they don't vote Democrat. So as inferior as our two-party system is already, only whites have the privilege of a binary choice while blacks are expected to vote unanimously in the back of their one-party bus. Blacks aren't approved to have any Republican economic or civic views or achieve such associated high success and if they do they are castigated by plantation leftists as 'Uncle Toms' or 'Oreos'. These kinds of scenarios have resulted in a walk-away campaign for escaping Democrats. Their party acts as a wanton coalition of various minority demographics and socio-economic subsets following ideologues who become a tyranny of an electoral majority.

Instead of that path, they should now pursue decentralization, centrism and personal responsibility with open discussion of ideals. They need to go Blue Dog. Remind them that true fairness is the inequality of outcome by merit. So why isn't their party advocating things like term limits, tax simplification or actual application of the debt ceiling? They claim to be proponents of civil rights yet hinder its environment by denying the necessary compliment of civic responsibility. Do their partisan leaders bother to invoke free and unfettered elections through open-ballot access and replacing first-past-the-post plurality voting with proportional representation or affinity voting? The racial oppression of their party's earlier incarnations was brought about by denial of constitutional rights to particular demographics. Now they seem to want to subjugate all through violating, ignoring or getting rid of in whole or in part that "slaveholder's document" -- the U.S. Constitution -- along with other law through actions like illegal vote counting or lawfare.

Turning The Tables

Calling to abolish the electoral college altogether forces them into a position of also having to eliminate the Senate whose inclusion in Congress yields an overall distribution of representation via both houses that accords to relative populations even less. The Senate inclusion manifests not just during presidential elections but for all congressional legislation. A more palatable position for them is to advocate for reform of the electoral college by getting rid of the all-or-nothing award of state elector slates just as Madison himself attempted. This would make the results more competitive and representational as presidential campaigns would have to consider the varying interests for all the states as opposed to taking most states for granted. To that effect, herein are presented updated tables where each state assigns a more proportional representation to their slate of electors. The first table shows the relative popular shares of the Democrat and Republican presidential candidates to each other. Each state's current elector slate is rounded between these two candidates.

The second table displays the popular shares of the presidential Democrat, Republican, Libertarian and Green party candidates with all other miscellaneous shares combined into one. Instead of using the currently assigned standard electoral college slates for each state, electors are distributed amongst the states nearly the same as (because of D.C. electors) their average powers of representation across both houses of Congress. The results are expressed with fractional electors but this distribution as advocated in the Bicameral Electoral College Reform page, would be rounded out to whole electors via a process after the popular shares of the candidates have been overlaid accordingly upon those state electors.

Though the versions of the bicameral electoral college include a state legislative vote along with a popular vote, we only use the results of the 2024 popular vote in the tables for lack of time and for greater simplicity. Keep in mind that if any such elector proportions from these tables had been used in the real world beforehand, the end result would have been different because the campaign tactics and monies would have been applied differently to the states. Consider how the campaigns and resulting governance would be if all states were in play with the intrastate factions having sway.

For carrying out a comparison to the current system, recall that the 2024 national results of the electoral college were 226 for Harris to 312 for Trump.


*anchor for first table*

Updates for Elector Tables:

First table -- an update of the 2020 version of:



State & Electors Harris

Harris +



AL 9 34.10% 64.57% /98.67% 34.56% 65.44% 3 6
AK 3 41.41% 54.54% /95.95% 43.16% 56.84% 1 2
AZ 11 46.69% 52.22% /98.91% 47.20% 52.80% 5 6
AR 6 33.56% 64.20% /97.76% 34.33% 65.67% 2 4
CA 54 58.47% 38.33% /96.80% 60.40% 39.60% 33 21
CO 10 54.13% 43.14% /97.27% 55.65% 44.35% 6 4
CT 7 56.40% 41.89% /98.29% 57.38% 42.62% 4 3
DE 3 56.49% 41.79% /98.28% 57.48% 42.52% 2 1
FL 30 42.99% 56.09% /99.08% 43.39% 56.61% 13 17
GA 16 48.53% 50.72% /99.25% 48.90% 51.10% 8 8
HI 4 60.59% 37.48% /98.07% 61.78% 38.22% 2 2
ID 4 30.38% 66.87% /97.25% 31.24% 68.76% 1 3
IL 19 54.37% 43.48% /97.85% 55.56% 44.44% 11 8
IN 11 39.62% 58.58% /98.20% 40.35% 59.65% 4 7
IA 6 42.52% 55.73% /98.25% 43.28% 56.72% 3 3
KS 6 40.97% 57.06% /98.03% 41.79% 58.21% 3 3
KY 8 33.94% 64.47% /98.41% 34.48% 65.52% 3 5
LA 8 38.21% 60.22% /98.43% 38.82% 61.18% 3 5
ME 4 52.39% 45.47% /97.86% 53.54% 46.46% 2 2
MD 10 62.62% 34.08% /96.70% 64.76% 35.24% 6 4
MA 11 61.22% 36.02% /97.24% 62.96% 37.04% 7 4
MI 15 48.31% 49.73% /98.04% 49.28% 50.72% 7 8
MN 10 50.92% 46.68% /97.60% 52.17% 47.83% 5 5
MS 6 38.00% 60.89% /98.89% 38.43% 61.57% 2 4
MO 10 40.08% 58.49% /98.57% 40.66% 59.34% 4 6
MT 4 38.46% 58.39% /96.85% 39.71% 60.29% 2 2
NE 5 38.86% 59.32% /98.18% 39.58% 60.42% 2 3
NV 6 47.49% 50.59% /98.08% 48.42% 51.58% 3 3
NH 4 50.65% 47.87% /98.52% 51.41% 48.59% 2 2
NJ 14 51.97% 46.06% /98.03% 53.01% 46.99% 7 7
NM 5 51.85% 45.85% /97.70% 53.07% 46.93% 3 2
NY 28 55.91% 43.32% /99.23% 56.34% 43.66% 16 12
NC 16 47.65% 50.86% /98.51% 48.37% 51.63% 8 8
ND 3 30.51% 66.96% /97.47% 31.30% 68.70% 1 2
OH 17 43.93% 55.14% /99.07% 44.34% 55.66% 8 9
OK 7 31.90% 66.16% /98.06% 32.53% 67.47% 2 5
OR 8 55.27% 40.97% /96.24% 57.43% 42.57% 5 3
PA 19 48.66% 50.37% /99.03% 49.14% 50.86% 9 10
RI 4 55.54% 41.76% /97.30% 57.08% 42.92% 2 2
SC 9 40.36% 58.23% /98.59% 40.94% 59.06% 4 5
SD 3 34.24% 63.43% /97.67% 35.06% 64.94% 1 2
TN 11 34.47% 64.19% /98.66% 34.94% 65.06% 4 7
TX 40 42.46% 56.14% /98.60% 43.06% 56.94% 17 23
UT 6 37.17% 58.40% /95.57% 38.89% 61.11% 2 4
VT 3 63.83% 32.32% /96.15% 66.39% 33.61% 2 1
VA 13 51.83% 46.05% /97.88% 52.95% 47.05% 7 6
WA 12 57.23% 39.01% /96.24% 59.47% 40.53% 7 5
WV 4 28.11% 69.98% /98.09% 28.66% 71.34% 1 3
WI 10 48.74% 49.60% /98.34% 49.56% 50.44% 5 5
WY 3 25.84% 71.60% /97.44% 26.52% 73.48% 1 2

DC 3 90.28% 6.47% /96.75% 93.31% 6.69% 3 0

TOTAL:& 264


Candidate Relative Share: Candidate Vote Share / Denominator
Denominator: Harris Vote Share + Trump Vote Share

Note that Candidate Relative Share percentages are rounded to two decimal points in the table. The Candidate Vote Shares were given as two decimal point numbers in the source table (SW mode) and thus so are the Denominators.


*anchor for second table*

Second table -- an update of the 2020 version of:




Bicam III Electors
AL 9.59 34.10% • • ( 3.27 ) 64.57% • •( 6.19 ) - - - - 1.33% • •( 0.13 )
AK 5.89 41.41% • • ( 2.44 ) 54.54% • • ( 3.21 ) 0.90% • • ( 0.05 ) 0.69% • •( 0.04 ) 2.46% • • ( 0.14 )
AZ 10.83 46.69% • • ( 5.06 ) 52.22% • • ( 5.66 ) 0.53% • • ( 0.06 ) 0.54% • • ( 0.06 ) 0.02% • • ( 0.00 )
AR 7.74 33.56% • • ( 2.60 ) 64.20% • • ( 4.97 ) 0.48% • • ( 0.04 ) 0.36% • • ( 0.03 ) 1.40% • • ( 0.11 )
CA 37.36 58.47% • • ( 21.84 ) 38.33% • • ( 14.32 ) 0.42% • • ( 0.16 ) 1.06% • • ( 0.40 ) 1.72% • • ( 0.64 )
CO 10.21 54.13% • • ( 5.53 ) 43.14% • • ( 4.40 ) 0.67% • • ( 0.07 ) 0.54% • • ( 0.06 ) 1.52% • • ( 0.16 )
CT 8.36 56.40% • • ( 4.72 ) 41.89% • • ( 3.50 ) 0.38% • • ( 0.03 ) 0.81% • • ( 0.07 ) 0.52% • • ( 0.04 )
DE 5.89 56.49% • • ( 3.33 ) 41.79% • • ( 2.46 ) 0.40% • • ( 0.02 ) - - 1.32% • • ( 0.08 )
FL 22.55 42.99% • • ( 9.69 ) 56.09% • • ( 12.65 ) 0.29% • • ( 0.07 ) 0.40% • • ( 0.09 ) 0.23% • • ( 0.05 )
GA 13.91 48.53% • • ( 6.75 ) 50.72% • • ( 7.06 ) 0.39% • • ( 0.05 ) 0.35% • • ( 0.05 ) 0.02% • • ( 0.00 )
HI 6.51 60.59% • • ( 3.94 ) 37.48% • • ( 2.44 ) 0.53% • • ( 0.03 ) 0.85% • • ( 0.06 ) 0.55% • • ( 0.04 )
ID 6.51 30.38% • • ( 1.98 ) 66.87% • • ( 4.35 ) 0.49% • • ( 0.03 ) 0.33% • • ( 0.02 ) 1.93% • • ( 0.13 )
IL 15.76 54.37% • • ( 8.57 ) 43.48% • • ( 6.85 ) - - 0.55% • • ( 0.09 ) 1.60% • • ( 0.25 )
IN 10.83 39.62% • • ( 4.29 ) 58.58% • • ( 6.34 ) 0.70% • • ( 0.07 ) - - 1.10% • • ( 0.12 )
IA 7.74 42.52% • • ( 3.29 ) 55.73% • • ( 4.31 ) 0.43% • • ( 0.03 ) - - 1.32% • • ( 0.10 )
KS 7.74 40.97% • • ( 3.17 ) 57.06% • • ( 4.42 ) 0.57% • • ( 0.04 ) - - 1.40% • • ( 0.11 )
KY 8.98 33.94% • • ( 3.05 ) 64.47% • • ( 5.79 ) 0.31% • • ( 0.03 ) 0.36% • • ( 0.03 ) 0.92% • • ( 0.08 )
LA 8.98 38.21% • • ( 3.43 ) 60.22% • • ( 5.41 ) 0.34% • • ( 0.03 ) 0.36% • • ( 0.03 ) 0.87% • • ( 0.08 )
ME 6.51 52.39% • • ( 3.41 ) 45.47% • • ( 2.96 ) 0.64% • • ( 0.04 ) 1.08% • • ( 0.07 ) 0.42% • • ( 0.03 )
MD 10.21 62.62% • • ( 6.39 ) 34.08% • • ( 3.48 ) 0.51% • • ( 0.05 ) 1.09% • • ( 0.11 ) 1.70% • • ( 0.17 )
MA 10.83 61.22% • • ( 6.63 ) 36.02% • • ( 3.90 ) 0.51% • • ( 0.06 ) 0.76% • • ( 0.08 ) 1.49% • • ( 0.16 )
MI 13.30 48.31% • • ( 6.43 ) 49.73% • • ( 6.61 ) 0.40% • • ( 0.05 ) 0.79% • • ( 0.11 ) 0.77% • • ( 0.10 )
MN 10.21 50.92% • • ( 5.20 ) 46.68% • • ( 4.77 ) 0.47% • • ( 0.05 ) 0.50% • • ( 0.05 ) 1.43% • • ( 0.15 )
MS 7.74 38.00% • • ( 2.94 ) 60.89% • • ( 4.71 ) - - - - 1.11% • • ( 0.09 )
MO 10.21 40.08% • • ( 4.09 ) 58.49% • • ( 5.97 ) 0.80% • • ( 0.08 ) 0.57% • •( 0.06 ) 0.06% • • ( 0.01 )
MT 6.51 38.46% • • ( 2.50 ) 58.39% • • ( 3.80 ) 0.71% • • ( 0.04 ) 0.48% • • ( 0.03 ) 1.96% • • ( 0.13 )
NE 7.13 38.86% • • ( 2.77 ) 59.32% • • ( 4.23 ) 0.67% • • ( 0.05 ) 0.30% • • ( 0.02 ) 0.85% • • ( 0.06 )
NV 7.74 47.49% • • ( 3.68 ) 50.59% • • ( 3.92 ) 0.41% • • ( 0.03 ) - - 1.51% • • ( 0.12 )
NH 6.51 50.65% • • ( 3.30 ) 47.87% • • ( 3.12 ) 0.54% • • ( 0.04 ) 0.45% • • ( 0.03 ) 0.49% • • ( 0.03 )
NJ 12.68 51.97% • • ( 6.59 ) 46.06% • • ( 5.84 ) - - 0.91% • • ( 0.12 ) 1.06% • • ( 0.13 )
NM 7.13 51.85% • • ( 3.70 ) 45.85% • • ( 3.27 ) 0.41% • • ( 0.03 ) 0.50% • •( 0.04 ) 1.39% • • ( 0.10 )
NY 21.32 55.91% • • ( 11.92 ) 43.32% • • ( 9.24 ) - - 0.57% • •( 0.12 ) 0.20% • • ( 0.04 )
NC 13.91 47.65% • • ( 6.63 ) 50.86% • • ( 7.07 ) 0.39% • •( 0.05 ) 0.43% • • ( 0.06 ) 0.67% • • ( 0.09 )
ND 5.89 30.51% • • ( 1.80 ) 66.96% • • ( 3.94 ) 1.69% • •( 0.10 ) - - 0.84% • • ( 0.05 )
OH 14.53 43.93% • • ( 6.38 ) 55.14% • • ( 8.01 ) 0.49% • •( 0.07 ) - - 0.44% • • ( 0.06 )
OK 8.36 31.90% • • ( 2.67 ) 66.16% • • ( 5.53 ) 0.59% • •( 0.05 ) - - 1.35% • • ( 0.11 )
OR 8.98 55.27% • • ( 4.96 ) 40.97% • • ( 3.68 ) 0.40% • •( 0.04 ) 0.85% • • ( 0.08 ) 2.51% • • ( 0.23 )
PA 15.76 48.66% • • ( 7.67 ) 50.37% • • ( 7.94 ) 0.47% • •( 0.07 ) 0.49% • •( 0.08 ) 0.01% • •( 0.00 )
RI 6.51 55.54% • • ( 3.62 ) 41.76% • • ( 2.72 ) 0.31% • •( 0.02 ) 0.56% • • ( 0.04 ) 1.83% • • ( 0.12 )
SC 9.59 40.36% • • ( 3.87 ) 58.23% • • ( 5.58 ) 0.50% • •( 0.05 ) 0.32% • • ( 0.03 ) 0.59% • • ( 0.06 )
SD 5.89 34.24% • • ( 2.02 ) 63.43% • • ( 3.74 ) 0.65% • •( 0.04 ) - - 1.68% • •( 0.10 )
TN 10.83 34.47% • • ( 3.73 ) 64.19% • • ( 6.95 ) - - 0.29% • •( 0.03 ) 1.05% • • ( 0.11 )
TX 28.72 42.46% • • ( 12.19 ) 56.14% • • ( 16.12 ) 0.60% • •( 0.17 ) 0.73% • • ( 0.21 ) 0.07% • • ( 0.02 )
UT 7.74 37.17% • • ( 2.88 ) 58.40% • • ( 4.52 ) 1.12% • •( 0.09 ) 0.54% • • ( 0.04 ) 2.77% • • ( 0.21 )
VT 5.89 63.83% • • ( 3.76 ) 32.32% • •( 1.90 ) 0.49% • •( 0.03 ) - - 3.36% • • ( 0.20 )
VA 12.06 51.83% • • ( 6.25 ) 46.05% • • ( 5.55 ) 0.44% • •( 0.05 ) 0.77% • • ( 0.09 ) 0.91% • • ( 0.11 )
WA 11.44 57.23% • • ( 6.55 ) 39.01% • • ( 4.46 ) 0.42% • •( 0.05 ) 0.76% • • ( 0.09 ) 2.58% • • ( 0.30 )
WV 6.51 28.11% • • ( 1.83 ) 69.98% • • ( 4.56 ) 0.40% • •( 0.03 ) 0.33% • • ( 0.02 ) 1.18% • • ( 0.08 )
WI 10.21 48.74% • • ( 4.98 ) 49.60% • • ( 5.06 ) 0.31% • •( 0.03 ) 0.36% • • ( 0.04 ) 0.99% • • ( 0.10 )
WY 5.89 25.84% • • ( 1.52 ) 71.60% • • ( 4.22 ) 1.56% • •( 0.09 ) - - 1.00% • • ( 0.06 )

• • • •

DC 5.89 90.28% • • ( 5.32 ) 6.47% • • ( 0.38 ) - - - - 3.25% • • ( 0.19 )






Bicam III Derivations:

A State's Bicam III Electors = the Bicam II State's Allotted Electors =
(State's # US House Rep.s / 436) X 269 + (269/51 or 5.27)
{For more specifics see: 'Bicam II Derivations' repeated below.}

Source for state electors. (SW mode)

Candidate's or Party's Electors = (State's Bicam III Electors) X (Candidate's or Party's Vote Share)

For Bicam II Derivations:

U.S. Senators Per State = 2

U.S. Senators = 100

U.S. House Representatives = 435

Appended Electoral College Electors for D.C. by Amendment XXIII = 3

Total Electoral College Electors = 100 + 435 + 3 = 538

Bicam II Derivations:

Overall Number of State Legislative Electors, Overall Number of Popular Electors = 538/2 = 269

Overall Number of State Legislative Shares = 51 (50 States and D.C.)

Each State's Legislative Electors = 269/51 or 5.27

Overall Number of Unit Popular Shares = 436 (435 Rep.s + one for D.C.)

A State's Popular Electors = (State's # US House Rep.s / 436) X 269

A State's Allotted Electors = A State's Popular Electors + State's Legislative Electors =
(State's # US House Rep.s / 436) X 269 + (269/51 or 5.27)


-- Return To First Table --

-Top- -Sources- -Bottom-

*anchor for an sources link*

*anchor for Factors of the Election*

Factors of the Election

'Many Democrats remain comically befuddled over how they lost two of the past three presidential elections to Donald Trump. As one might expect from those obsessed with gender and identify politics, they now engage in projection, chalking up the defeats to a sexist and misogynist electorate.'

'Kamala Harris didn’t lose because voters were uncomfortable with her ethnicity or gender. She lost because she was a bad candidate forced to defend an unpopular administration that had unleashed 9 percent inflation, $5 a gallon gasoline and other indignities upon the American public.'

'Ms. Harris ran a stealth campaign, avoiding specifics and difficult interviews. She tried to pass herself off as a moderate, but her record dating back to her time in California reflected her embrace of the far left. Many of the ideas popular with her followers — defund the police, sex changes for pre-teens, a massive expansion of the welfare state — are anathema to wide swaths of voters, whether they’re espoused by a male or a female.'

'But women have made tremendous strides, now holding 24 Senate seats — including both in Nevada — and 127 House seats. Clearly voters have no qualms about casting ballots for women. Voters are clearly more than willing to support women candidates.' | January 1, 2025 9:01 pm

'Month after month, corporate media opened up a firehose of propaganda, the worst of which was that President Joe Biden was as energetic as a spring chicken and brighter than an MIT math whiz. It was such a naked lie that it’s hard to believe it was spread so far and wide. But it was.'

'He issued a drastic warning using the rather apt word “bloodbath” that liberal corporate media took way out of context.'

'In the next 24 hours, Politico, Mediaite, MSNBC, NPR, The New York Times, and others all ran disingenuous headlines, while liberal pundits pretended that Trump was calling for a wave of political violence if he lost.'

'Trump visited Arlington National Cemetery in August to honor the 13 soldiers killed during the Biden administration’s disastrous retreat from Afghanistan three years prior. Kamala Harris, her campaign and liberal media attempted to make Trump’s appearance a massive political scandal, with the vice president leading the charge.'

'She also went on to spread more hoaxes that Trump disparaged fallen vets and called them “suckers” and “losers.”

'However, eight Gold Star families spoke out against Harris, and said that they invited Trump to the ceremony. They also noted that Harris had never reached out to them since they lost their children in Kabul in 2021.'

'Trump set the media into a fit of rage-filled dishonesty after he said on Halloween that war hawk Liz Cheney should get a taste of her own medicine.'

'Countless pundits and outlets portrayed Trump’s common-sense remark as a call for Cheney to face a firing squad.' ~ John Loftus | December 31, 2024 8:30 AM ET

'A decisive death knell for identity politics dangles the blessed possibility of no longer squandering our brief duration on this Earth on stupid conversations. One of the grimmest victories of today’s poor excuse for ‘progress’ has been to lure otherwise intelligent people into having debates over whether: women can have penises; racial discrimination cures racism; advancement in employment and education should be determined by skin colour; the Western civilisation that gave us penicillin, Rembrandt, Bach and the Hubble Space Telescope is a disgrace; being grotesquely fat is healthy; and wearing a sombrero that you bought yourself on Amazon is theft.'

'Will historians recall only that for a funny little period people cared innocuously more than usual about ‘social justice’? Or will the reign of woke instead take its place alongside Mao’s Cultural Revolution, Stalin’s showtrials, and Pol Pot’s killing fields, as a lower-fatality example of a whole society losing its collective mind?'

'One American election won’t do the trick. There are simply too many people with a vested interest in wokery, because ‘decolonising the curriculum’, say, is their job. Many a current museum director was hired expressly to ensure that an art collection doesn’t acquire work by white people. Numerous black female hires – who may tick two boxes in a kind of diversity ‘buy one, get one free’, but who are sometimes conspicuously under-qualified, such as ousted Harvard president Claudine Gay – owe their appointments to that fungal way of thinking, and they won’t all go quietly.'

'As for the present juncture, I have a theory. Let’s remember the nature of the opposition. Wokesters are conformists. They didn’t invent their wretched ideas; they’re reading from a common hymn sheet. That’s why they all use the same words and subscribe to the exact same roster of convictions, no matter how preposterous: these people aren’t original thinkers. But they imagine they’re at the cutting edge. Being ‘progressive’ means they’re in the vanguard. See, they think woke makes them modern. They think woke makes them hip.' ~ Lionel Shriver | 20th December 2024

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*anchor for DOGE*


'Soon after winning the U.S. presidential election, Donald Trump announced the creation of the Department of Government Efficiency. Spearheaded by businessmen Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy, DOGE will have the job of spurring a downsizing of government by recommending where to cut waste, slash regulations, and trim the federal workforce.'

'Code of Federal Regulations has swelled from just under 10,000 pages in 1950 to 185,984 in 2019.'

'The national debt has nearly doubled since 2015 and now sits at $35 trillion, or 122% of the United States’ gross domestic product. Debt grew by about $7.8 trillion in Mr. Trump’s first term, and it is projected to have grown by a slightly higher number by the time President Joe Biden finishes his term. Experts caution, however, that these numbers can reflect preexisting laws and circumstances outside a president’s control.'

'Many federal workers have not returned to their offices since the pandemic, and as of summer 2023, the government still was paying for 17 agency headquarters that were at 25% capacity or less, according to a Government Accountability Office report.'

'Republican Sen. Joni Ernst....(she found it costs the government three cents to make a single penny).'

'If the change is approved, people who benefited from the regulation are likely to sue. The two co-chairs will need to “do their homework” to avoid protracted legal battles, says Susan Dudley, founder of the George Washington University Regulatory Studies Center.' ~ Caitlin Babcock | Updated Jan. 01, 2025, 11:40 a.m. ET

'DOGE is an advisory group rather than a federal department. Musk and Ramaswamy work ‘pro bono’ as external private experts. They aim to slash all “unnecessary costs and regulations,” resulting in a more streamlined and efficient administration.'

'Ramaswami vows to shut down the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Internal Revenue Service, and the US Department of Education.'

'Musk is trying to dismantle all bureaucracy and promises overall cuts of around $2 trillion, about a third of the federal government’s annual budget.'

'Mixed expectations surround DOGE’s ability to address government inefficiency. Resistance from entrenched corporate lobbies and the financial impact of deep cuts to government assistance on voters will pose significant challenges.' ~ Angela Antetomaso | January 2, 2025

'The federal budget was $6.2 trillion for FY23 (which I use here for accounting simplicity, rather than FY24). This represents almost 23 percent of GDP, to which we can add 13 percent spent by states and local governments. To this, we can also add the 10 percent of GDP in annual compliance cost with federal regulations, as estimated by the Competitive Enterprise Institute. This total means that, for every dollar of economic activity, fully 46 cents are controlled, directly or indirectly, by politicians and bureaucrats. And only 54 cents of each economic dollar are in the hands of American consumers, families, and entrepreneurs.'

'I hate having to repeat it, over and over again... But the American people and the political class seem to have forgotten that the U.S. Constitution is different. Most other constitutions of the world are documents of assumed powers: governments are allowed to do anything, except that which is prohibited by the constitution. The U.S. Constitution, however, is one of limited and enumerated powers: it may not do anything, except that which is authorized by the constitution.'

'It should be obvious, then, that the vast majority of federal expenditures are not authorized by the Constitution; as such, they are prohibited and unconstitutional. Only a small percentage of actual federal spending is authorized by the Constitution: defense, operating and retirement expenses for federal employees, support to veterans, international relations and justice (for a total of $1.46 trillion).'

'The federal government could easily get rid of the low-yield, pay-as-you-go Social Security pension scheme, and replace it with a high-yield, portable, individually funded retirement plan. The Chilean plan of mandatory 10 percent contributions to a private fund would be a simple start. Likewise, insurance markets (especially if they are deregulated, unsubsidized, and fixed) can take care of the majority of American retirees.'

'Unfortunately, all retirees, rich and poor, have their snout in the federal trough—this was the political genius, and the fiscal disaster, of universal programs (rather than targeted means-tested programs). Social Security and Medicare costs are politically dangerous, and Mr. Trump has already promised he would not touch the two biggest federal expenditures.'

'A Mercatus Center study estimates that, if regulations had stayed steady at the 1949 level, the American economy would be a whopping 3.5 times stronger (imagine, if you will, a GDP of $95 trillion instead of $27 trillion). What is more, regulation is regressive (it has a disparate impact on the poorest). Without attacking the budget directly, DOGE could take a serious ax to federal regulation, to great effect.'

'30 percent budget cut is within grasp—and it would represent a return to federal spending, not in some distant past… but as recently as 2001.' ~ Tyler Durden | Wednesday, Jan 01, 2025 - 05:20 PM

'In a free market, consumers would control 100 percent of health spending. The government would control 0 percent. In the United States, the government controls 84 percent of health spending. That’s one of the highest shares among advanced nations. It’s just 5 percentage points behind communist Cuba. The result is that the health sector does what the government and special interests want—not what consumers want.'

'At more than $1 trillion per year, the largest source of compulsory health spending is employer-sponsored health insurance. The federal tax code effectively compels workers to let their employers control a sizeable chunk of their compensation, about $18,000 of the average family’s earnings, and their choice of health plan.'

'Tax-free universal health accounts (UHAs) would return that $1 trillion to the workers who earn it and restore workers’ freedom to make their own health decisions. UHAs would make health care more universal—better, more affordable, more equitable, and more secure.' ~ Michael F. Cannon | December 16, 2024 3:19PM

'GAO supports the Congress in meeting its constitutional responsibilities and in helping to improve the performance and ensure the accountability of the federal government for the benefit of the American people. The agency carries out audit, evaluative, and investigative assignments and provides legal analyses to the Congress.'

'In addition to serving as the chief accountability officer for the federal government, the Comptroller General issues Government Auditing Standards and participates in audit-related international forums.'

How much power does GAO really have? What do they have to say about all of this DOGE stuff?

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*anchor for Resistance*


'Two days after Donald Trump won the presidential election, California Governor Gavin Newsom requested $25 million from the state legislature to fund potential lawsuits against the new administration, which takes office on January 20.'

'California Attorney General Rob Bonta is already preparing to challenge measures on issues such as abortion restrictions, protections for Dreamers under DACA, and the civil rights of transgender youth.'

'During Trump’s first term, California filed or joined over a hundred lawsuits that successfully halted several of his immigration and health policies. These efforts included defending “sanctuary laws” which limit local cooperation with federal immigration authorities; maintaining temporary protected status (TPS) for certain immigrants; and protecting the DACA program, which shields Dreamers from deportation.'

'While New York — a city that has received more than 225,000 migrants since the spring of 2022 — was once expected to be another battleground against Trump’s policies, recent statements from New York City Mayor Eric Adams suggest that California may stand alone in this resistance. Adams has expressed willingness to collaborate with Trump on plans to deport undocumented immigrants who have committed violent crimes.' ~ Maye Primera | December 30, 2024 - 06:07 EST

'Upon entering office, Trump was embroiled in the Russia-collusion hoax, concocted by Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the outgoing Obama administration, and the tentacles of the intelligence community, which used a compliant media to bind Trump “seven ways to Sunday,” in the words of Senator Chuck Schumer. Trump faced constant negative press and a lengthy and tedious investigation, culminating in an impeachment whose specifics have been forgotten.'

'In his second term, Trump and his team must take a strong stand against vexatious federal lawsuits filed before pliable and friendly judges who overstep their jurisdiction to impose their views. The judicial maneuver known commonly as a “nationwide injunction”—whereby a district court judge blocks a law or order’s implementation across the country, even for parties unconnected with the case at hand—is novel in American jurisprudence, dating back only to the 1960s, when judicial activism and the administrative state expanded to meet the challenges of civil rights legislation, giving judges enormous new power. Universal injunctions were nevertheless rare until the Obama years, but they exploded under Trump, when dozens were issued.'

'This round of the Resistance will likely be just as crafty and determined as its predecessor. Everyone connected with Trump II should be on notice. In his second term, Trump will need to flex executive muscle, ignoring the inevitable nationwide injunctions seeking to block his agenda and forcing the Supreme Court to address the constitutionality of district court judges setting national policy from obscure courtrooms.' ~ Seth Barron | Nov 10 2024

“The one thing we seem to know is the strategy of being an anti-Trump party didn’t work any better than when we became a primarily anti-Bush party,” said Max Burns, a Democratic commentator. “In that transformation, we seem to have become unclear about what our actual pro-Democrat message is.”

'While some still insist Trump’s reelection remains an existential threat, those voices have become more muted. Democrats’ “save our democracy” rhetoric, a fear-based approach effective in past cycles, tanked this time, and many want a new way of operating after losing significant power.'

'Some on the left are challenging Democrats’ default to reject Republicans just for the sake of party loyalty.'

“I think the hypocrisy of opposing an idea you agree with because somebody on the other side also agrees is what is seen as one of the biggest problems with the two-party system right now,” said a former campaign adviser to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)'

'Still, some top Democrats have reignited their adversarial style against Trump and his current allies, aiming for consistency in showing that they don’t endorse the right-wing agenda.' ~ Hanna Trudo | 12/15/24 6:00 AM ET

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*anchor for Pooh-Poohed Revelations*

Pooh-Poohed Revelations

First off, in researching the J6 topic for this section an interesting take from this article was discovered:

'Left-leaning outlets are focusing on one aspect of the report, while right-leaning outlets are highlighting another.'

'The inspector general’s report, while intended to clarify the FBI’s involvement on Jan. 6, has done little to bridge the political divide surrounding the events of that day. The debate over the riot continues to fuel division in American politics and media.' ~ Karah Rucker | Dec 13, 2024

'President Donald Trump was impeached twice during his single term in office. In each case, he was acquitted on all counts by the Senate.'

'There is no question that after the 2016 election, a number of people devastated by Trump’s win eagerly jumped on what we might call a “Trump is Putin’s bitch” narrative that was at best unproven and at worst drastically overhyped. The Steele dossier with its scandalous tale of a “pee tape” supposedly used by Russian security services to blackmail Trump—who, so the story went, hired Russian hookers while staying at a Moscow hotel and got them to urinate on the bed previously occupied by Barack and Michelle Obama—played a major role in such wishful thinking.'

'Not only TV talking heads but former intelligence officials and some Democratic politicians, notably Rep. Adam Schiff of California, oversold Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election and promised major indictments at or near the very top of the Trump administration; again and again, a new “turning point” was said to signal “the beginning of the end” for Trump.'

'Disturbingly, Trump-Russia hype also morphed into myths that undermined faith in election integrity on the Democratic side. Several Economist/YouGov polls conducted from 2017 to 2019 found that as many as two-thirds of Democrats believed it was “definitely true” or “probably true” that “Russia tampered with vote tallies in order to get Donald Trump elected.”

'Before the publication of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report in 2019, many Trump supporters preemptively attacked Mueller in the expectation that the report would be damning for Trump. Yet while the report did compile a considerable list of instances of obstruction of justice by Trump, it found no evidence that either Trump or his campaign actively conspired with Russian agents to influence the election.'

'FBI investigation was amply justified. True, it ultimately found no evidence of acts that rose to the level of criminal conspiracy, and neither did the Mueller probe.'

'Whether Russian interference ultimately did help elect Trump is something that can never be definitively established. No, Russia did not interfere in the sense of tampering with voting tallies.........But given what we know, I don’t see how anyone can confidently say that Kremlin shenanigans weren’t among the many factors that contributed to Trump’s victory.' ~ Cathy Young | October 25, 2022

So basically, for even a best case scenario for Democrats and the Mueller investigation -- no evidence was found of Trump actively colluding with Russia.

'For the first time, the Justice Department has confirmed that they took possession of a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden from a computer shop.'

'When some of the contents of the laptop's hard drive made it to The New York Post in the fall of 2020, President Biden and his supporters argued that the contents had the makings of a Russian disinformation campaign, and large social media companies suppressed or blocked access to the Post's article about it.'

'Brian Della Rocca, a lawyer for Mac Isaac, told Axios that "this 'revelation' comes as no surprise to us and to the many onlookers who refuse to accept everything Hunter says as gospel. John Paul has always been credible, Hunter has not. However, people will only believe what they want to believe."

'Hunter's discarded laptop, and whether it exists, is a controversial topic because it came to light in the final weeks of the election when a hard drive ultimately made its way to The New York Post.' ~ Alex Thompson | Jan 17, 2024

'At the rally preceding the events in question, Donald Trump had suggested that people march to the Capitol “peacefully and patriotically”—these were his exact words—in order to make their voices heard. He did not incite a riot; he stirred up a crowd. Was that, given the circumstances, imprudent? Probably. Was it an effort to overthrow the government? Hardly.'

'What was true of Comey was also true of the entire intelligence apparat, from former CIA Director John Brennan to Congressman Adam Schiff and other Democratic members of the House Intelligence Committee to senior members of the FBI. All these people said publicly that they had seen clear evidence of collusion with Russia. But they admitted under oath behind closed doors that they hadn’t.'

'Moreover, it was said, Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick was bludgeoned to death by a raging Trump supporter wielding a fire extinguisher. That gem of a story about the fire extinguisher, reported in our former paper of record, The New York Times, was instantly picked up by other media outlets and spread like a Chinese virus.'

'Officer Sicknick—also a Trump supporter, as it turned out—who, contrary to the false report gone viral of The New York Times, went home, told his family he felt fine, but died a day later from, as The Washington Post eventually and grudgingly reported, “natural causes.” No fire extinguishers were involved in his demise.'

'Remember that the first mention of impeachment came 19 minutes after his inauguration, an event that was met not only by a widespread Democratic boycott and hysterical claims by Nancy Pelosi and others that the election had been hijacked, but also by riots in Washington, D.C. that saw at least six policemen injured, numerous cars torched, and other property destroyed.' ~ Roger Kimball | September 2021

'Trump has never been charged with a crime for making the hush money payments or arranging with AMI to catch and kill stories. The underlying charges were investigated by the US Attorney General’s office, and they decided not to bring criminal charges against Trump.'

'There has been some suggestion that the hush money payments might somehow violate federal election laws, although I have never understood how using one’s own money to pay for the non-disclosure of embarrassing allegations would violate the election laws, which are primarily concerned with the solicitation and use of campaign contributions by third parties. Even if the government wanted to charge Trump now for violating the election law in 2016, those charges would likely be barred by the applicable statute of limitations.'

'District Attorney Bragg’s indictment charges Trump with 34 felony counts, each of which relates to a business record disguising a payment made to Cohen as attorney fees. The indictment alleges that Trump disguised the payments with intent to cover up another crime. But the indictment does not say what that other crime is.'

'Bragg must show that Trump made the false business records with intent to commit “fraud,” otherwise Trump would not be guilty of a crime at all, because falsifying business records for non-fraudulent purposes is not a crime under the statute.'

'The District Attorney has made public statements suggesting that Trump may have been hiding the payments as attorney fees to commit tax fraud, but neither that nor any other specifics regarding an intent to commit fraud is stated in the indictment.'

'Judge Juan Merchan’s statement fails to explain when it is a crime to “unlawfully influence” an election? Obviously, all politicians attempt to influence voters to vote for them. Politicians regularly misstate facts and fail to disclose facts during their campaign. The law has never allowed members of the public or the government to bring claims for fraud against politicians who make misleading or even downright false statements; indeed our laws broadly protect campaign speech under the First Amendment.'

'It is difficult to see how these minor penalties would justify such an expensive investigation and prosecution.' ~ Gregory Germain | Tuesday, April 16, 2024

'Missouri’s lawsuit, filed Wednesday, asks the U.S. Supreme Court to decide on three matters: declare that New York unlawfully prevented the presumptive Republican nominee from campaigning during the trial, remove any remaining gag orders against Trump, and delay his sentencing until after the November 5 election.' ~ David Zimmermann | July 3, 2024 2:09 PM

'Second, the judge should have moved the trial out of Manhattan to a more neutral location in New York state where the president could receive a more fair trial.'

'Third, the judge, constructively, precluded a key defense expert from testifying fully and completely. This witness, Bradley A. Smith, a campaign finance expert, would have told the jury that that the alleged charges against Trump were strictly federal in nature and could not be heard by a state court or jury, since they do not have jurisdiction over alleged federal campaign violations.'

'Fourth, the Judge castigated a key defense witness in plain view of the jury....... this act alone tainted and unfairly prejudiced Trump’s defense and, in the law, is termed “reversable error,” requiring a new trial.'

'Quite simply, the judge’s handling of the trial, from a legal standpoint, has been such a fiasco that any guilty verdict will almost certainly be overturned. Yet, that will only happen after the November election which allows the current president to tarnish his opponent as a “convicted felon.” ~ William G. Hyland | May 29, 2024

'Getting Trump has been a common feature in New York elections for law enforcement positions. The 2018 campaign for state attorney general was a virtual bidding war in which each candidate promised to pursue Trump more zealously than the other candidates. The winner, Attorney General Letitia James, has been unable to come up with criminal charges against Trump personally, but she did, along with Bragg, prosecute the Trump Organization on questionable grounds.'

'Even though there are many, many issues confronting the Manhattan district attorney — issues including rampant violent crime and protecting citizens from rampant violent crime — much of the debate was about Trump.'

'In the end, for Bragg and the Democratic officials who have pressed the Trump indictment, and for the supporters who have cheered them on, it’s not really about the question of whether Trump committed the misdemeanor offense of falsifying business records and whether that misdemeanor can be properly increased to a felony by alleging some other illegal act.' ~ BYRON YORK | Apr 5, 2023

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*anchor for Alternative Media*

Alternative Media

Talk radio and Fox News have become juggernauts in providing the other side of the coin to the legacy media's narrative. Compliment to that are:



The Blaze

Media Research Center

So do counterpoint newspapers (or news pixelators) like:

Washington Examiner

Washington Times

NY Post

News aggregators like:


Ground News


show both sides of the coin.

Offering themselves as neutral sources of coverage are:


Straight Arrow News

Then there are podcasts, bloggers, vloggers across the web on various sites like:




Truth Social







and of course YouTube though creators there are opting for alternatives to escape its increasing censorship.

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*anchor for Socio-Economic Consequences*

Socio-Economic Consequences

'Naturally, this tragedy has become a political football, and at least two contending narratives have arisen to explain what went wrong. Republican media tend to favor a “bad blue city” narrative. According to this story, crime is the result of progressive permissiveness in Democrat-run cities and states. By contrast, Democratic media tend to claim that crime is a problem everywhere, caused by some mix of COVID-related madness and increased gun purchases. But has urban crime really risen more in Democratic cities? And if so, are all blue cities the same, or are the most progressive cities in America especially problematic? ~ Michael Lewyn | March 12, 2023, 5:00 AM PDT'

'The problem with those arguments is that local governments, and not states, are overwhelmingly responsible for managing crime. Yes, state officials set criminal penalties and some broader parameters, but it’s mayors who control police and policing, local prosecutors who decide what to prosecute, and district/county judges who determine who to sentence.'

'State-level gun laws are often cited as the key factor explaining murder rates, but gun-friendly Maine, Idaho, Utah, Iowa have some of the nation’s lowest homicide rates, according to most-recent CDC data. Then there are states like Illinois, Maryland and Delaware that have strict gun laws and yet have relatively high homicide rates. Illinois often complains that the permissive gun laws of its neighboring states are to blame, but that doesn’t explain why its neighbors have much lower homicide rates.'

'Mayors, for their part, control both the policies and general environment of policing. Chicago’s former Mayor Lori Lightfoot, for example, had a combative relationship with the city’s police force which negatively impacted morale. And she enacted policies – including the outlawing of foot and car chases – that made it harder for officers to operate effectively. She was also responsible for a collapse of 1,500 beat cops – a near-20 percent drop – during her time in office.'

'Wirepoints tracked the political affiliation of mayors back to 1970 for each of the 30 cities with the highest homicide rates in 2022. We found most of the country’s homicide-hot spots are “blue” and have been for decades.'

'The nation’s most-violent cities need a new class of leaders who are more interested in pursuing solutions than in blaming others for their own failed policies. Sadly, it’s very unclear if or when that time will actually come.' ~ Ted Dabrowski, John Klingner and Grayson Garelick | July 11, 2023

'When you remove the crime-infested, homicide-riddled cities from the state murder rate featured in the Third Way study, you dramatically lower the murder rate for that state, upending their conclusions and exposing the piece for what it really is: a straightforward attempt at political projection dressed up as a “study.”

'Not surprisingly, of those 30 cities, 27 have Democratic mayors...... And within those 30 cities there are at least 14 Soros-backed or Soros-inspired rogue prosecutors.'

'For a deeper dive into the numbers, we performed a more detailed analysis by examining how states’ homicide rates are influenced by particular high-crime counties. Although the authors of the “The Red State Murder Problem” provide the state-by-state data used in their study, they do not directly provide the county-level data necessary to answer this question.'

'This is why the Soros rogue prosecutor movement has concentrated its fire at identifying, recruiting, and funding candidates for local district attorney races. By elevating pro-criminal, anti-victim zealots into office, the rogue prosecutor movement destabilizes the safety of the community, treats criminals as victims and the police as the criminals, and ignores real victims.'

'As Table 2 illustrates, Washington, DC, has the nation’s highest homicide rate at 19.846 homicides per 100,000 residents yet is completely neglected in “The Red State Murder Problem.”

'But numbers themselves do not begin to tell the whole story of why crime rates in these homicide hellholes have risen. Starting in 2016, with the election of the first Soros rogue prosecutor, Kim Foxx, in Chicago, cities with rogue prosecutors have imposed policies that all—each and every one of them—inure to the benefit of criminals, as we have detailed in our scholarship for the past two years.'

'The foregoing policies—and dozens of other pro-criminal, anti-victim policies—have contributed to the lawlessness across blue cities and the steep rise in crime rates. To suggest now that Republican elected officials who have followed different policies have contributed to crime increases is at best laughable.' ~ Charles Stimson, Zack Smith and Kevin Dayaratna | November 4, 2022

'In a study released by WalletHub Wednesday, researchers found that Memphis, Tennesse; New Orleans, Louisana; Richmond, Virginia; Washington, DC; and Detroit, Michigan are suffering from the biggest homicide rate problems.'

'All five cities are led by left-wing mayors.'

“As a response to the social unrest, some officers have embraced ‘de-policing,’ which is the idea of not engaging in proactive policing practices in order to avoid increased scrutiny and censure. Without pronounced police presence, violence proliferates,” Okeem said.'

'University of Central Missouri Professor Gregg Etter pointed to progressive policies such as defending the police and implementing no-cash bail as major contributors to the rise in the national homicide rate.' ~ Katherine Donlevy | April 26, 2023, 9:35 p.m. ET

'Black Chicagoans are 20 times more likely to be murdered than white residents, with the expectation of an arrest for the crime hitting a record low.'

'Hispanic Chicagoans were nearly 5 times more likely to be a homicide victim than their white counterparts. The stats were for the 12 months through April.'

'So far Johnson’s response to rising, violent crime has been to reduce budgeted police by 833 positions. The Chicago Police Department is operating with at least 1,447 fewer officers than in 2019 when former Mayor Lori Lightfoot took office.'

'Studies show the more police there are, the lower the crime totals. They also show it’s important to have officers visible, especially at night.' ~ Patrick Andriesen, Jon Josko | May 30, 2024

'It takes a willful effort to ignore the growing racial disparity in victimization. In 2017, 55.7 percent of the city’s 292 murder victims were black (163 individuals)—already a disturbing number in a city that is only about one-fifth black. By 2021, more than two-thirds of the 488 murder victims were black (327 people). By comparison, 28 white New Yorkers were killed in 2017; in 2021 that number was essentially unchanged at 29.'

'Unfortunately, willful ignorance is the order of the day in Albany. The ranking black officials who championed these legislative changes in the name of black New Yorkers are now trying to hide the mounting evidence that the black community is suffering most under their reforms.'

'Last week, Albany County district attorney David Soares was scheduled to deliver testimony at a New York State Senate hearing on criminal justice data. At the last minute, the Senate counsel called the District Attorneys Association of the State of New York (DAASNY) at about 10 p.m. the night before the hearing to disinvite Soares. The concern was that Soares, a black man, would highlight data showing that the recent criminal-justice reforms are causing “Black victimization” and disproportionately harming “my community,” as he had recently noted. Instead, DAASNY president Anthony Jordan read Soares’s statements at the hearing. Getting the bad news from Jordan, who is white, made it easier for officials to dismiss it—a feat that might have been trickier if the person delivering it was a progressive black Democrat.'

'In what way are these reforms helping black communities, as Myrie and Bailey assert? Are black people only black when charged with crimes? Persistent offenders are the only real beneficiaries of these laws as they currently stand. Their cost to black victims is growing daily.'

'If you’re a desperate immigrant, you might open up a store, put up a “We Take EBT” sign, and take the risk of being shot. White Americans are less inclined to do this, so they instead just flee black neighborhoods and do what they can to get their kids out of black schools. They’ll make any commute or pay whatever tuition is necessary. No one is confused about this — liberals are correct that entire swaths of a major city don’t end up with zero white people by accident. They just attribute this to “racism” rather than the desire not to be sexually assaulted or physically harmed.'

'When liberals talk about perspective here, what they usually mean is that the likelihood of a white person being victimized by a black person is small in an absolute sense, so why worry about it? It would be a fine argument, except that we are constantly told to obsess over the harms done by police shootings, white supremacist violence, and vigilantes falsely accusing innocent black men of crimes.'

'....what they are essentially saying is don’t worry about black crime, because the victims are overwhelmingly black people. But wait! Since when are liberals uninterested in problems that disproportionately affect blacks? These are the people who write serious NYT think pieces about how national parks are too white. They now turn around and say, let’s not talk too much about murder, because blacks are the victims? It’s a very odd thing, and it’s hard for me to even steelman their lack of interest in solving this issue as they obsess over every other black grievance, real or imagined.'

'Arguments about supposed racism committed by whites against blacks are why we can’t effectively fight crime in this country and why we can’t have freedom of association or meritocratic criteria in hiring. The belief in white racism as a major factor in American life is the force that distorts all of policymaking and culture.'

'In fact, part of the reason that black-on-white violence is rare in this country is because whites have overwhelmingly fled places where blacks live due to the threat of violence.'

'It’s not a big mystery how to do this, it’s just politically difficult, because literally everything that works is considered racist. You need more cops, more prisons, and more use of DNA databases and facial recognition technology. You can’t have concerns about disparate impact in a world where crime is so overwhelmingly committed by one group.' ~ Richard Hanania | May 13, 2023

'Violence against Asian Americans is in fact a diverse and majority-minority affair, with the 2019 Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) report showing that 27.5 percent of violent criminals targeting an Asian victim are black and only 24.1 percent are white; my own analysis of a set of more than 100 recent high-profile cases reaches similar conclusions. Further, textual analysis of past writing from publications such as the New York Times and California’s SFGate indicates that this basic pattern of crime has persisted for decades and is visible in recent attacks not only on Asians but on Jews as well.'

'THE MOST RECENT Bureau of Justice Statistics report to include Asian Americans in victim and offender categories preceded the COVID pandemic, but it was released more than two years into the Trump administration. It paints a diverse portrait of anti-Asian crime.'

'Describing this sort of thing as “white supremacy” is stupid. First, and notably, many or most of the attackers of Asians (and Jews) are not white.'

'Why do people of color attack Asians more often than do the whites who allegedly have taught us how to hate? For that matter, how do probably 98 percent of minority Americans, along with 98 to 99 percent of white Americans, manage to overcome this alleged conditioning and not commit racist crimes against anyone at all?' ~ by Wilfred Reilly | May 2021

'In New York City, where anti-Asian hate crime soared nearly nine-fold in 2020 over the year before, only two of the 20 people arrested last year in connection with these attacks were white, according to New York Police Department data analyzed by the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism. Eleven were African Americans, six were white Hispanics and one was a Black Hispanic.'

"I thought it was jarring," said Brian Levin, executive director of the center, noting that the finding runs counter to assumptions made by many that perpetrators of anti-Asian hate are mostly angry white men who blame China for the COVID-19 pandemic.'

'While historically whites have been responsible for most hate crimes reported to the FBI, the arrest data from New York shines a light on a sensitive topic in the Asian American community — that attacks on Asians are often carried out by people of color.'

"The recent crime wave against Asians in America's big cities is not the fault of Donald Trump, MAGA activists, conservative talk radio, or white people," right-wing Asian American commentator Michelle Malkin wrote recently. “It's the fault of the perpetrators and the perpetrators alone — most of whom happen to be thugs 'of color.'"

'The surge in anti-Asian hate crimes has divided the Asian community over the appropriate law enforcement response.'

'Progressives oppose tougher police action over concern it could lead to a disproportionately high number of African American and Latino arrests without putting a stop to the hate.'

"I certainly understand the desire not to unfairly criminalize African American and Latinos, but I think we also need to have accountability for these attacks," Kwok said.' ~ Masood Farivar | March 23, 2021 9:12 PM :: update March 24, 2021 9:56 AM

'For decades, there has been racial tension between the Asian and Black communities. Following the incidents of hate crimes, we saw a lot of people take to the streets, including Blacks who supported Asians in their fight against hatred and racism.'

Exploring racial tension between Blacks, Asians ~ WNYT NewsChannel 13 | May 12, 2022

'The whole college-admissions landscape changed last year when the Supreme Court ruled on the landmark case Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard (2023), overturning race-based affirmative action policies nationwide. The case hinged on Asian American students who were discriminated against by the admissions boards of elite universities, and the suit itself revealed that college admissions officers were routinely giving Asian applicants lower personality scores as part of a supposedly “holistic” process. Nevertheless, leftist activists pushed the narrative that Asian Americans that opposed affirmative action policies were actually “pawns” for white supremacist agendas.In addition, social justice ideology reigns hegemonic in practically all humanities departments in the country, and the sunk-cost fallacy comes in: People need to believe what they’ve been taught to be true, or else they would have to realize they wasted precious years of their life dedicated to a falsehood. So if white supremacy is the bogeyman — or perhaps they’d say bogeyperson — they need to keep whacking it like a piñata, although they may have to have a “Latinx” do it to avoid accusations of cultural appropriation.'

'One article published in The Nation after the Supreme Court decision, titled “Asian American Conservatives Have Become Key Allies of White Supremacy,” goes one step further, dispensing with the “pawn” narrative altogether to argue that “Asian American anti–affirmative action activists have not been simply ‘used’ by white activists and duped into this white supremacist policy. They are active, militant co-conspirators with white conservatives.”

'It is worth noting that Asian Americans are minority students. Indeed, Asians make up far less of the American population than black and Latino people do. Because of this, many institutions of higher education and workplaces have switched to using the term “underrepresented minority,” which is defined specifically as every minority group besides Asians.'

'Workplaces and institutions of higher learning are increasingly staffed in ever-greater numbers by various administrators in departments dedicated to DEI. Just like a janitor needs trash to exist to justify their job’s existence, DEI officers need evidence of white supremacy (or patriarchy, or some other form of alleged discrimination) to justify their continued employment.' ~ Sheluyang Peng | September 24, 2024

'As someone who was involuntarily used as a poster child for Asian American and Pacific Islander month by my university, yet listened to some classmates rant that Asian Americans “would be nowhere without black people,” take it from me: Diversity, equity, and inclusion offices make racism worse, not better.'

'She squinted at my face before asking, “Have you given much thought to writing about your race in your college essay? I mean … ’cause you’re clearly not white.”

'Little did my teacher know that I am half white and half Asian, two of the DEI scorecard’s least favorable boxes to check.'

'Stereotypes such as these have been perpetuated by DEI under the guise of being inclusive when it is anything but. It treats people as groups defined by distinct levels of oppression, instead of rewarding people based on merit.'

'Last year, the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn race-conscious admissions to colleges and universities marked a celebratory step for fairness.' ~ Stephanie Samsel | July 10, 2024

'Latinos are not a monolithic voting bloc, says John Tuman, executive associate dean in liberal arts and political science professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Their views can differ based on everything from ancestry and country of origin to religion and housing situations.'

'Eighty-five percent of Latino voters cited the economy as “very important” in the presidential election, topping all other issues, according to a Pew Research Center survey released in September.'

'Mr. Marquez says many Latino voters want stronger border security and greater parental rights, among other issues. Mr. Trump, he says, is the candidate who delivered that message in an unwavering fashion.'

'In Aurora, Colorado, Denisse Schaffino was also drawn to Mr. Trump on the economy. The Mexican-born Republican lost her job in the mortgage industry in 2022 as interest rates began to climb. But she’s also seen how her city has grappled with an influx of new South American immigrants – including suspects of crimes who officials have linked to a Venezuelan gang.'

“I don’t believe in just coming and then trying to get everything for free,” she said in line at a Trump rally last month. Hardworking Americans, meanwhile, “don’t get any of that help.” ~ Jackie Valley, Sarah Matusek | Nov. 06, 2024, 5:15 p.m. ET

“But even on first read, I think it’s impossible to not recognize the fact that there were some pretty dramatic shifts happening among Latino voters,” Mr. González told America. Such shifts, he said, challenge American society to stop thinking of the Latino population as a monolith.'

'The Latino vote is also complicated by religious affiliation. Overall, a majority of voters who are Christians supported Mr. Trump—including 58 percent of Catholics. Voters who are not Christian tended to support Vice President Kamala Harris.'

'In an interview with PBS News, the Rev. Samuel Rodriguez of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference argued that Latinos turned to Mr. Trump over cultural issues like gender and abortion.'

'Exit polling suggests that Latino men, in particular, supported Mr. Trump.'

'In the past, President George W. Bush had notably attracted the largest amount of Latino support from a Republican candidate. In 2004, Mr. Bush won support from 44 percent of Latino voters, according to exit polls. This far surpassed, for example, the 21 percent of Latinos who backed Bob Dole in 1996.'

“But I think the biggest thing we have to remember is that Latino voters in 2024 are from a different cohort than Latino voters in 2004,” Mr. González said. “We’re talking about a different generation. And it’s a lot of people who have become American citizens in the last 20 years.” ~ J.D. Long García | November 21, 2024

'Latino voters demanding a crackdown on human traffickers and drug smugglers at the southern border (82%) and an expansion of additional border patrol and security funding (58%).'

An intersting statistic from a site more friendly to the undocumented migrant saga when compared to the support for DACA and path to citizenship.

'Providing a path to citizenship for people with long-term undocumented status (53%) and DACA recipients (42%) is the pivotal priority for Hispanic voters.' | June 21, 2024

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*anchor for Democrats Counting Illegal Votes in Pennsylvania *

Democrats Counting Illegal Votes in Pennsylvania

'The lawsuits from the national and Pennsylvania Republican parties are asking the state Supreme Court to not allow Pennsylvania's counties to count mail-in ballots where the voter didn't write a date on the return envelope, as is required by law, or wrote an incorrect date.'

'Democrats who voted in favor of counting the ballots say the dating requirement is "immaterial."

"Every voter's ballot is sacred," Montgomery County Commissioner Neil Makhija, a Democrat, said on X, formerly Twitter. "When we know when a ballot is sent and received through barcodes [on] our envelopes, the dating requirement is immaterial. We can't throw out constitutional rights over technicalities."

'Lara Trump, co-chair of the RNC, responded to a clip of Ellis-Marseglia's comments, writing on X: "This is why the @GOP sued Bucks County [in] the PA Supreme Court. This is a BLATANT violation of the law and we intend to fight it every step of the way."

'Lawrence Tabas, chair of the Pennsylvania Republican Party, said: "What's taking place in these counties is absolute lawlessness. We will not rest and we will do everything in our power to make sure the law is upheld and voter confidence remains intact." ~ Khaleda Rahman | Published Nov 15, 2024 at 11:16 AM EST :: Updated Nov 15, 2024 at 12:32 PM EST

'The Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s order on Monday cited a ruling it made in 2022 that “the Election Code’s command” to date ballots “is unambiguous and mandatory.”

'In August, the Commonwealth Court — one of Pennsylvania’s appellate courts — ruled that the dating requirement violates the free and equal elections clause of the state constitution. It ruled the same thing in October in response to a case stemming from a Sept. 17 special election in Philadelphia.'

'The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has yet to rule on the merits of such a challenge and repeatedly declined to do so ahead of the Nov. 5 election.'

'Instead, it threw out the August ruling on a technicality. And then, on Nov. 1, it ruled that Commonwealth Court’s decision in the Philadelphia case would not apply to the general election.'

'The court made itself clear Monday afternoon, telling the counties to “comply with the prior rulings of this court in which we clarified that mail-in and absentee ballots that fail to comply with the requirements of the Pennsylvania Election Code shall not be counted for the purposes of the election held on November 5, 2024.”

'Local election officials do not have the authority “to ignore Election Code provisions that they believe are unconstitutional,” he wrote. “Only the courts under our charter may declare a statute, or provision thereof, unconstitutional.” ~ Carter Walker and Sarah Anne Hughes | November 18, 2024, 5:53pm EST

§ 5. Elections - PA Code

'Elections shall be free and equal; and no power, civil or military, shall at any time interfere to prevent the free exercise of the right of suffrage.'

How that translates to the ability to count improperly signed ballots or that barring them is interference is not apparent to say the least.

Democrats Openly Admit To Counting Illegal Votes | Ignore Laws & Courts ~ Nate the Lawyer | Nov 19, 2024

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*anchor for Joy Reid's Rabid Rants*

Joy Reid's Rabid Rants

MSNBC’s Joy Reid: Tight Presidential Race Shows ‘Great Amount of Racism and Anti Blackness’ ~ National Review | Nov 5, 2020

Joy Reid Claims White Male Tears Are More Powerful Than Alleged Victims ~ TheDC Shorts | Nov 17, 2021

Joy Reid: Republicans have taught people the word ‘inflation’ #shorts ~ Fox News | Nov 4 2022

“Infuriating”: Joy Reid on being Black in America. #shorts ~ Salon | circa February 2024

Byron Donalds throws down with Joy Reid: 'Gaslighting' ~ Fox news | circa June 2024

MSNBC's Joy Reid says Black people will look 'real weird' if they don't vote for Harris ~ Fox Business | circa August 2024

Joy Reid makes TikTok giving advice to "white progressive women" ~ New York Post | circa November 2024

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*anchor for Legacy Hollywood's Lectures*

Legacy Hollywood's Lectures

Why Hollywood is FAILING - The Devil's in The DEI ~ Nerdrotic | circa February 2024

Woke Hollywood LOST, and That's a GREAT Thing ~ Nerdrotic | December 2024

You Are the Media Now - It's the End of the Legacy Media as We Know It, and I Feel Fine ~ Nerdrotic | January 13, 2025

Left night TV references from 'Where Are We Now' (10/5/18) residing in the 'Attention Archives' section linked from the party's main page.

A proposal for an alternate to legacy Hollywood. (2/17/20)

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*anchor for bottom of page*

Commonwealth Party
To Be Determined
January 16, 2025