Flag of the American Commonwealth Republics

COVID-19 Response

Why are we so reliant on the government to bail us out of every situation? Government cannot nor should we expect it to totally protect and save us from every calamity in life. Bad things happen and while there is a role and necessity for government to prevent certain crises, facilitate response and restore order; it is a poor substitute for personal preparations and has a record of woeful inefficiencies and trespasses. It is especially risky to rely on a government when it is already over-burdened and indebted with corrupt and incompetent officials holding position. Think of our recent history on bailouts and stimuli on behalf of favored corporatists or political factions. Temporary directives to manufacture strategic materials is one thing but nationalization of industries is another.

Let us now embark more towards market-place solutions, personal responsibility and stay with having local and state governments deciding how far pandemic prevention should go according to their own situation while leaving the more interstate, national and international protocols to the federal government. Retain responsibility and consequence on local and state officials using only necessary overrides. This allows the nation to function better overall as various parts of the country less stricken operate more fully while other parts peak their viral cases. Being in uncharted waters, some approaches will be trial-and-error respecting that some players - both public and private - are able to work out their own interactions such as resource management, payment plans and the like. We must remember too that we need to re-open our economy in stages with as much virus retention as possible like keeping distance, masks, anti-viral herbs and UV lighting. The longer the lockdown the harder it is to recover and the effects of the shutdown worsen. We shan't be able to fix parts of the economy left closed for too long.

One thing that will change from all this is our access infrastructure. Public points of contact will have to be constantly sanitized until they are eliminated such as hand-operated door handles and point-of-sale (POS) keyboards and touch-screens. As much as these objects can be avoided now by propping open doors and wearing gloves, there will be a demand for foot-operated door levers and touch-free interfaces for public purchases. This is in alignment with current trends like hands-free faucets and fist-bumping over handshakes. Hopefully we can shift some employment over to the conversion of old contact points.

Exceptions to bureaucratic legislation that has accrued over the years is a welcome part of the solution and keeping that permanent where feasible is desired but providing massive stimulus packages should be avoided as much as possible, especially when suspicious items are included with little to no relevance to the emergency at hand. Injecting vast sums of money upfront makes us more prone to graft and inefficiencies. Instead, measured amounts towards specific needs should be presented in a series of smaller bills with adequate debate. This way the spending is more accountable and overshoots less.

Emergency unemployment benefits that issue more instant money not to be worked for dilutes the purchasing power of everyone's previous dollars, leading to higher prices due to inflation. Not to say it is ideal but it is better to rely more on credit markets to issue more credit incrementally and/or relax existing limits, terms and interest while operating nearer to the current money supply and with the inherent understanding it will be paid down as normalcy returns which provides more of a check on inflation. Giving the option of principal-only payments will help shorten the period and amount to be repaid. Perhaps it helps for more prepped cardholders to swap some of their own credit to other cardholders through the issuer for a share in interest. Feasibility here lies in amortization.

Most Americans have credit cards and their banks and issuers know better than government the needs and reliability of those they issue credit to. Private credit will provide personal stimulus more targeted than public stimulus dollars. A vast stimulus is clumsy and less selective with short-term gain occurring at greater expense of long-term sustainability. The nationalization of the college loan program illustrates that quite well with greatly indebted students, rising tuition and questionably valuable degrees. If there is insistence over direct stimulus because of our lack of personal preparation and lack of private insurances within the present financial system, it would be better for such stimulus to cover only the interest on personal credit but borrowers still pay the principal. Where private charity is not available and there is verification of true need, as a last resort let those without enough credit be the sole recipients of any direct government stimulus with the condition that they too will pay it back in future taxes. Everyone must pay their fair share.

Acknowledging that the personal credit burden is too high as it is already and that the economy will need to be spurred into action, we also propose for those still working that their paychecks should immediately without delay be freed of all withholding and payroll taxes. This should be done permanently and will be the invocation of the FairTax which saves our finances and economy. Let the approved personal stimulus checks become some aggregated forwarding of the prebate checks administered monthly under the future FairTax which eliminates all taxation on goods and services up to the poverty level for every citizen. The FairTax prebate is similar to the standard deduction on taxable income of the income tax. Since the income tax is so inefficient, once it is removed the price of goods and services drop low enough where application of the FairTax at checkout results in nearly the same receipt totals all while getting a noticeably bigger paycheck free of withholding and payroll tax which increases economic growth and wages not to mention the prebate. The unemployed can be waived the FairTax rate at the register temporarily in order to ease their burden through lower prices and to get the general economy hiring sooner.

Businesses will need infusions of capital to cover for the coronavirus downtime which the FairTax contributes to by eliminating the corporate income tax and all its time and money-wasting quarterly regimens. This along with any current or soundly proposed business loans and credit or as a compliment to that, there should be as immediate as possible a common platform to facilitate local stock exchanges (LSEs) which will allow citizens to buy stock in smaller or local businesses or in the local franchise holders. It may start off as a charitable test-run where citizens help preserve their favorite cafe' or diner while progressing to a vehicle for investment capital as the economy re-opens. Laws should also be made that encourage local currencies issued at a discount to affected businesses. The Treasury should produce a lite, thin $2 coronavirus shutdown commemorative coin for circulation with a large diameter to set it apart plus some colorful polymer notes of higher denominations which can be exchanged for at discount to affected businesses as a tax credit or as a collectible promotion to increase traffic. Try offering the currencies in such a way as a more targeted stimulus that can better retain the general equity of some of the money supply over time. A bit of precious metals alloyed may help as well or treat these currencies as future receipts for the same or other secure, advantageous commodities. A $2 coin and polymer (or hemp) notes will last longer in circulation lessening physical money production costs.

Of great importance is to start downsizing our indebted government in other areas after invoking a massive stimulus package. One example is for it to sell off some of its massive land-grab in the western states in order to produce revenue, back currency or give it to particulars wrought by the shutdown. Congress - specifically the House who holds the power of the purse - must now pursue a pork-cutting venture. There is a lot of ridiculous and wasteful spending to get rid of. Austerity is not a dirty word and our indebted governments need to begin shrinking budgets and not raising debt ceilings. They need to cut and borrow less so that instead consumers can borrow according to their needs and credit worthiness without government bonds and deficits crowding out available credit and inhibiting consumer finances with high taxation and onerous regulations. Government and all its services are funded by a healthy working economy and if that goes so do all the dependencies. The current House should be pressured into substantial cutting to restore fiscal faith in our government and if they refuse then it should rise as a major issue in the 2020 election.

We must take innovative efforts to re-infuse our economy and protect against coronavirus or other future similar outbreaks or situations. Let this experience be a lesson to the masses that not having a rainy-day fund and surplus supplies on hand leaves us vulnerable. Also we must acknowledge how this virus came to our shores and the world through a reckless government -- communist China. The years of giving China most-favored-nation (MFN) trade status made communist China a great threat that counters the worth of lower manufacturing costs. We implore divestment of China, move manufacturing to other countries like Taiwan, India, Brazil and South Vietnam where there's need of offshore assembly but also bring investment and manufacturing back to America through the FairTax reform and other deregulations. Abandon the mainland One-China policy for our 9 country/city-state plan which replaces communist China with a collection of independent states having free markets, human rights with representative governments all carved along China's historical ethnicities and considering population distributions. We should also along with other nations affected by coronavirus form a merchant and military armada to dock in Taiwan in order to give them full diplomatic recognition while making manufacturing and trade agreements along with plans for military bases in order to guarantee free commerce in the East Asian Sea. After all we have suffered, politicians resisting such changes towards communist China should be virtually tarred-and-feathered before being ousted in 2020.

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NOTE: Almost all sites inaccessible to ad-blockers (ad management) were excluded. Such practice will continue.

Anti-Viral Herbs

UV Lighting

Foot-Operated Door Levers

Touch-Free Interfaces

Suspicious Items in Stimulus

Credit Over Stimulus



CCP Virus

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Anti-Viral Herbs

'Due to their concentration of potent plant compounds, many herbs help fight viruses and are favored by practitioners of natural medicine.' ~ Written by Jillian Kubala, MS, RD on October 21, 2019

'There are very few treatments, allopathic or natural that can kill a virus outright, as usually a virus must run its course. However the list of natural remedies here come as close to stopping a virus in its tracks as Mother Nature can get.'

'For the most effective results it is highly recommended that at least two or three of these remedies in conjunction in order to vanquish viruses. As always, consult your naturopathic doctor for advise that is tailored specifically to your body.' ~ by Pinewood Natural Health Centre

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UV Lighting

Ultraviolet light machines are fighting Coronavirus: Here's how: • CNET • Mar 18, 2020

'Virus-killing UVC machines are also being deployed in hospitals and airplane terminals to keep these high-traffic locations as safe and sanitary as possible.'

Can UV Light Kill Virus? HVAC UV Light Worth It? • The Air Of Authority • Mar 17, 2020

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Foot-Operated Door Levers

'Check out the top 10 best hands free door openers in 2020 below.'

Hands Free Door Opening System (3D Printed) • Matthew Davis • Mar 28, 2020

'A device for opening the door with the foot was fitted flush into the door leaf. A pedal (Figure 1 (Fig. 1)) is integrated into the device, which is built into the bottom of the door leaf. To open the door, this pedal is pulled out with the foot from the inside of the device, while the foot constantly remains on the surface of the pedal. After completely pulling the pedal out, the door can be pushed open or pulled open while keeping light pressure on the pedal with the foot. The surface design of the pedal provides the necessary grip of the shoe on the pedal during the movement to be executed.' ~ Stefan Preiss and Axel Kramer | Dec 15 2011

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Touch-Free Interfaces

'While touchscreens are practical, touchless displays would be even more so. That's because, despite touchscreens having enabled the smartphone's advance into our lives and being essential for us to be able to use cash dispensers or ticket machines, they do have certain disadvantages. Touchscreens suffer from mechanical wear over time and are a transmission path for bacteria and viruses.' ~ KH OCTOBER 01, 2015

'As we make more advancements in tech, design and gesture navigation, this is the time where we can navigate through a computing system without the use of a keyboard, a mouse, or even touching anything.' ~ By Sofia AK in Gadgets. Updated on April 4, 2019.

'Glamos is a motion sensor that creates a virtual touchscreen anywhere. Connect it with your device and turn your screens instantly interactive. Project an invisible touchscreen near you and control a device that's far away from you.'

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Suspicious Items in Stimulus

Bankrupting America • John Stossel • Apr 7, 2020

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Credit Over Stimulus

'Thankfully, numerous banks are offering assistance to customers who have been financially impacted by COVID-19. Many are providing deferral programs, waiving late fees, suspending foreclosures, and promising not to report missed payments to credit bureau agencies.' ~ Laura Grace Tarpley Apr 1, 2020, 3:05 PM

'When you get a loan, your monthly payments primarily consist of principal and interest. As a general rule, making extra payments just toward the principal balance can help you pay off a loan faster and reduce the overall cost of the loan. But you'll want to make sure your lender accepts principal-only payments and won't penalize you for making them or paying off your loan early.' ~ Written by: Laura Malm | Updated March 10, 2020

'Credit cards are found in most Americans' wallets. Multiple studies say about 7 in 10 Americans have at least one credit card.'

'According to an August 2019 report by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, about 2 out of 3 of borrowers with subprime scores (580 to 619), and 1 out of 3 borrowers with deep subprime scores (579 or lower), had at least one open credit card account in 2018.' ~ Jamie Gonzalez-Garcia and Allie Johnson | January 15, 2020

'Researchers at the New York Federal Reserve Bank famously found in 2015 that the pass-through effect of subsidized federal student loans on tuition raised rates by 60 cents for every dollar of loans spent. Although lefty politicians love to hate on fraudulent for-profit schools and blame them for the problem, only 9% of all college students in the country attend for-profit institutions.'

'The federal government set the stage for this problem, exacerbated it by subsidizing and regulating private student loans, and finally sent it into a trillion dollar tailspin by nationalizing the whole mess.' ~ by Tiana Lowe | July 02, 2019 12:46 PM

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'Almost everyone is in favor of these FAIRtax benefits:

More higher paying U.S. jobs
More U.S. based manufacturing
Much less tax evasion than the $900 billion projected for this year
Social Security & Medicare becoming solvent
Every American being able to see the cost of the federal-government on every receipt
Ability to calculate on a napkin what government programs cost each of us
No Federal-Income-Tax returns to file
No withholding. Bring home 100% of what you earn'

~ 04-10-2020 FAIRtax by: Steve Hayes

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'Consider two anomalies of the current financial system (even if the latest reforms work exactly as planned). The first is that locally owned, small businesses constitute about onehalf of the private economy in terms of output and jobs, but they receive almost no investment from the nation's pension funds or from mutual, hedge, venture, or any other kind of investment funds..... This is a colossal market failure.'

'Without sacrificing their local character, for example, local businesses could issue nonvoting preferred shares of stock for national investors and trade them over the counter on existing exchanges. There is certainly no technical reason this could not be done. and have demonstrated how small businesses seeking microloans can be vetted, listed, and exchanged efficiently.'

'The real reason small public offerings and local stock exchanges do not flourish today is that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has essentially banned them. ' ~ Michael Shuman

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CCP Virus

Australia should 'economically distance itself' from the Chinese Communist Party • Sky News Australia • Apr 11, 2020

'Nations should enact "economic distancing" in order to protect themselves from the Chinese communist party, Outsiders host Rowan Dean says.'

Coronavirus whistleblowers disappear in China • DW News • Feb 12, 2020

'As Chinese authorities struggle to contain the COVID-19 coronavirus, they're also working to silence the growing number of critics of the government's crisis plans.'

Should WHO Head Resign Over Coronavirus Coverup? • China Uncensored • Apr 8, 2020

'The World Health Organization is corrupt. And the head of the WHO, Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has failed the world in handling of the coronavirus pandemic outbreak from Wuhan, China. Now there are calls for him to resign. And his corruption runs deep.'

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Commonwealth Party
COVID-19 Response
April 2020